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Audio Sermons

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

I.  One Lord

A.  He is _____________ — John 13:13; Romans 6:16,12,13)

B.  He is Possessor — I Cor. 6:19,20

C.  He is Disposer — Eph. 4:7,8,11,12

He decides who receives which gifts — I Cor. 12:4-11

Organizations function well when there is ________________ head.


II.  One Faith  (“The faith” of vs. 13)

A.  Difference between “faith” and “the faith”

“faith” is simply “___________________”

“the faith” is “the _______________ of Scriptural truth”

Jude 3; Col 2:7; I Timothy 4:7

B. How is this unity of the faith accomplished?  “until” – vs. 13

1.  Through the gifts that He gives, specifically the gifts of Eph. 4:11,12

Apostle — “sent one”

Prophet — “forth-teller”

Evangelist — “bringer of good tidings”

Pastor-Teacher — “shepherd”

2.  Through our progress toward Christ-likeness (vs. 13)


III. One Baptism

A.  If referring to Spirit Baptism…  (1 Corinthians 12:13; Romans 8:9)

When you got saved, you were “baptized by the Spirit.”

B.  If referring to water baptism…

Identifying with _________________ and the Gospel.

Testifying of the fact that you have been saved.

Assenting to “the faith” of Scripture as proclaimed in the local church — 1 Timothy 3:15



When we identify ourselves with Christ, salvation, and the faith of the Word of God, we are brought together in unity.

We are brought together under one Lord, one faith, one baptism.